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CcdQuadrant Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
AxisLengthsListOfInteger4List of lengths of each data axis. FITS keywords: NAXIS1, NAXIS2, ... , NAXISn.
AxisNumberintThe dimensionality of the data (e.g., number of physical image axes/dimensions). FITS keyword: NAXIS.
DataLengthintTotal number of individual value elements (pixels, voxels, etc.) in the data set referred to in this instance. Equivalent to AxisLength_0 * AxisLength_1 * ... * AxisLength_AxisNumber.
DataSizeintSize of an individual data element, in bits, following the FITS convention (i.e., negative for floating point values) such that the total size of the data array is |DataSize| x DataLength bits. FITS keyword: BITPIX
ExposureDuration1DurationFor nominal sequence: duration between shutter fully open and start closing. For linearity and dark sequences: duration between end flushing and start readout. Origin: science TM. FITS keyword: EXPDUR1.
ExposureDuration2DurationFor nominal sequence: duration between shutter start opening and end closing. Origin: science TM. FITS keyword: EXPDUR2.
PhysicalUnitstrPhysical unit of the data. FITS keyword: BUNIT.
QuadrantIdstrrow in FPA-column in FPA.quadrant in CCD e.g. "1-1.E". Origin: science TM. FITS keywords: EXTNAME, CCDID, QUADID.
ROEConfigurationTableVersionintConfiguration table version of the ROE. Origin: science TM. FITS keyword: ROECTV
ROEIdintId of the ROE in the VIS FPA (1 to 12). Origin: science TM. FITS keyword: ROEID

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