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Clcovmat2pCov2D Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
BinMaxValueDim1floatMaximum separation in dim 1 scale.
BinMaxValueDim2floatMaximum separation in dim 2 scale.
BinMinValueDim1floatMinimum separation in dim 1 scale.
BinMinValueDim2floatMinimum separation in dim 2 scale.
BinNumberDim1intNumber of bins in dim 1 scale.
BinNumberDim2intNumber of bins in dim 2 scale.
BinTypeDim1strBinning used in dim 1 scale [LIN, LOG].
BinTypeDim2strBinning used in dim 2 scale [LIN, LOG].
CosmologyIDstrIdentifier for Cosmology used in redshift transformation.
CountingMethodstrPartition method used in pair counting [LINKED_LIST, KD_TREE].
CovarianceFileGcCM2pcfcovFile2DFITS file with results
DetAlgorithmstrDET Algorithm whose results are to be taken into account (either AMICO or PZWAV)
FileAddedstr[OPTIONAL] Name of all 2PCF results used in covariance calculation
FileNumintNumber of objects used in the covariance computation
InputCrossstrInput products used are cross-correlation products
ReconstructionIDstrIdentifier for the reconstruction.
ReleaseNamestrIdentifier for the release in which the product has been created
RunTypestrType of clustering measurement on catalog.
SplitFactorintNumber of RANDom subcatalogs used in computation.
StatisticsstrType of correlation [TWO_DIM_CART, TWO_DIM_POL, ...].
SubSampleSubSampleInfoInformation of whether this product comes from a subsample, and which one
UseWeightstrObject weighting enabled/disabled.

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