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CovarTwoPCFWLPEBShearShear2D Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
BinScalestrLin or Log angular bin scales.
CoordSysDistanceCoordSystemCoordinate system Cartesian or Spherical.
EllMaxfloatLast multiple.
EllMinfloatFirst multiple
EstimatorstrIdentifies the pipeline used.
NEllBinsintNumber of multipoles.
NThintNumber of angular bins.
OAThfloatOpen angle threshold.
ResamplingstrChoice of resampling estimator, either "Bootstrap" or "Jackknife" or "None".
RunIdstrIdentifies the products created by the run.
SheSoftstrIdentifies the algorithm used to compute the catalogue [facultative].
SoftVerstrIdentifies the version of the 2pcf/cm code.
ThMaxfloatMaximum angular separation.
ThMinfloatMinimum angular separation.
ThUnitstrUnit of the angular separation.
WMaxDecfloatCoverage - Dec corner of the sky area processe.
WMaxRafloatCoverage - max RA corner of the sky area processed.
WMinDecfloatCoverage - min Dec corner of the sky area processed.
WMinRafloatCoverage - min RA corner of the sky area processed.
WUnitstrUnit {deg,arcmin,arcsec} of the corner coordinates.
ZMaxBinfloatBiggest bin selection.
ZMinBinfloatSmallest bin selection.

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