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DetParametersList Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ALGORITHMstrWhich algorithm shall be run (either AMICO, PZWAV, or BOTH)
AuxInfoClGenericContainerAuxiliary configuration information
AVEPZ_MAG_DEPENDENCEstrIf true, the average P(z) is made magnitude dependent
AVEPZ_MIN_PZ_CONTRIBfloatMinimum P(z) value for which a galaxy is used for computing the average P(z)
CUBE_XY_STEPfloatSize [deg] of the Amplitude bins in the X- and Y-dimensions
DR_LIMfloatRadius of matching area for the merging of detected peaks, in kpc
DZfloatHalf width of reach redshift slice
DZ_LIMfloatRedshift depth for the merging of detected peaks
FROM_DENSITY_MAPstrFlag indicating if a previously computed density map should be used as an input, therefore bypassing the first stages of PZWav
GRAY_WIDTHfloatWidth in deg of the gray area
KRN_SCL1floatLower scale of kernel, in kpc
KRN_SCL2floatUpper scale of kernel, in kpc
LAMBDA_STAR_THRESHOLDfloatMinimum value of lambda* for which detections are kept
MAX_LOST_PZ_INTEGRAL_PROBfloatMaximum galaxy P(z) lost when cutting redshift range
MAX_ZfloatUpper limit of redshift range for cluster detection
MIN_ZfloatLower limit of redshift range for cluster detection
NOISE_VALUE_MINfloatMinimum value imposed for the noise
NOISE_VALUE_ZEROSfloatValue assigned to all the noise pixels with values close to 0
SNR_THR_AMICOfloatThe S/N lower threshold for extracting a detection with AMICO
SNR_THR_PZWAVfloatThe S/N lower threshold for extracting a detection with PZWAV
ZSTEPfloatInterval between slices

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