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ExtTwoMassCutout000100 Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DECfloatcolumn: DEC, unit: deg, format: D
DESIGNATIONstrcolumn: DESIGNATION, unit: NA, format: 17A
GAIAUDSSIDintcolumn: GAIA_SID, unit: NA, format: K
HUDSCMSIGfloatcolumn: H_CMSIG, unit: mag, format: D
HUDSMfloatcolumn: H_M, unit: mag, format: D
HUDSMSIGCOMfloatcolumn: H_MSIGCOM, unit: mag, format: D
HUDSSNRfloatcolumn: H_SNR, unit: NA, format: D
IdCatalogintId of the catalog
IdSourceintId of the source
JUDSCMSIGfloatcolumn: J_CMSIG, unit: mag, format: D
JUDSMfloatcolumn: J_M, unit: mag, format: D
JUDSMSIGCOMfloatcolumn: J_MSIGCOM, unit: mag, format: D
JUDSSNRfloatcolumn: J_SNR, unit: NA, format: D
KUDSMfloatcolumn: K_M, unit: mag, format: D
KUDSMSIGCOMfloatcolumn: K_MSIGCOM, unit: mag, format: D
KUDSSNRfloatcolumn: K_SNR, unit: NA, format: D
MPUDSFLGintcolumn: MP_FLG, unit: NA, format: I
PHUDSQUALstrcolumn: PH_QUAL, unit: NA, format: 3A
RAfloatcolumn: RA, unit: deg, format: D
RDUDSFLGstrcolumn: RD_FLG, unit: NA, format: 3A

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