BinningMethod | str | Three Point Correlation binning type [COSTHETA, THETA, SIDE]. | |
Blinding | BlindingType | Blinding | |
Configuration | str | Three Point Correlation configuration type [SINGLE, ALL]. | |
Correlation | str | Three Point Correlation type [CONNECTED, REDUCED]. | |
CorrelationFile | GcThreePointCorrFileSin | FITS file with Three Point Correlation SINGLE results. | |
CosmologyID | str | Identifier for the Cosmology used for z transformation. | |
CountingMethod | str | Three Point Correlation counting method type [DIRECT_COUNTING, SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_DECOMPOSITION]. | |
DataCatalog | str | Name of input DATA catalog. | |
DataObjects | str | Number of objects in input DATA catalog. | |
Delta12 | float | Separation step on side 1-2 [Mpc/h]. | |
Delta13 | float | Separation step on side 1-3 [Mpc/h]. | |
Lmax | float | Maximum order of the triplet counts Legendre expansion for SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_DECOMPOSITION method. | |
Nbins | float | Number of bins. | |
R12 | float | Separation on side 1-2 [Mpc/h]. | |
R13 | float | Separation on side 1-3 [Mpc/h]. | |
RandCatalog1 | str | Name of first input RANDom catalog. | |
RandCatalog2 | str | Name of second input RANDom catalog. | |
RandObjects1 | str | Number of objects in first input RANDom catalog. | |
RandObjects2 | str | Number of objects in second input RANDom catalog. | |
ReconstructionID | str | Identifier for reconstruction method. | |
ReleaseName | str | Identifier for the release in which the product has been created | |
RunType | str | Type of clustering measurement on catalog. | |
SelectionID | str | Identifier for the SEL-ID selection. | |
TripletsFileNNN | GcThreePointTripFileSin | FITS file with triplets NNN counts SINGLE. | |
TripletsFileRRR | GcThreePointTripFileSin | FITS file with triplets RRR counts SINGLE. | |