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GcBkMonopole Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
BinNumintNumber of bins in scale.
BinTypestrLINear or LOGarithmic scale used.
BispectrumFileGcBkMonopoleFileFITS file with Bispectrum MONOPOLE results.
BoxSidefloatSide of the box enclosing the input catalogs.
CosmologyIDstrIdentifier for the Cosmology used for z transformation.
DataCatalogstrName of input DATA catalog.
DeltaKfloatBinning scale step.
KmaxfloatMaximum K-value in spectrum output scale.
KminfloatMinimum K-value in output scale.
MASschemestrMass Assignment Scheme used for density fields.
NbarMethodstrN-bar calculation method.
NFTintSide point number of cubic grid used.
PestfloatEstimated power used for FKP weighting.
RandCatalogstrName of input RANDom catalog.
ReconstructionIDstrIdentifier for the reconstruction.
ReleaseNamestrIdentifier for the release in which the product has been created
RunTypestrType of clustering measurement on catalog.
SelectionIDstrIdentifier for the SEL-ID selection
StatisticsstrStatistics used for PK evaluation.
UseFKPweightstrFKP weighting enabled/disabled.
UseInterlacingstrInterlacing enabled/disabled.

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