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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
AutomatedValidationStatusstrThis status is automatically set by default to UNKNOWN by the processing function when the quality of the product is considered as good enough to be processed or is considered as poor enough andset to INVALID so that it should be NOT processed by downstream PF and selected on this criteria by COORS. The decision/algorithm process to update this flag to INVALID or VALID is TBD by OU. The default value of the status should be UNKNOWN TBD.
CreationDatedatetimeThis date corresponds to the creation date of the instance file, this creation date is stamped by the IAL in case of a data product. Each instance of the reference survey could cover different time slots with or without overlap. Each instance of the reference survey supersedes the previous ones on the common time coverage
CuratorstrUse to group data products by OU or user who created them
DataSetReleasestrThis release element is inherited from the Plan definition and could be (depending on the context of the processing Plan): - SIM datarelease for a SIM pipeline - Specific run of an IT or SC challenge or a cycle during pre integration or pre production - Specific set of plans built for some specific scientific analysis: calibration campaign, scientific analysis - ... Enable to define a consistent set of data products (used to select a unique instance of a given data product at COORS level) this data product belongs to (not to be confused with the specified DataRelease or intermediateDataRealease by ESA that could be defined a posteriori
EuclidPipelineSoftwareReleasestrThis Euclid Pipeline SoftwareRelease corresponds to the configuration of the overall Euclid pipeline, that is the aggregation of elementary PFs plus MDB release,...; This version should be the output of the SGS CCB. The process is to be defined.
ExpirationDatedatetimeThis expiration date (optional) is manually set by Calibration Scientist with adhoc EAS DPS services and could allow to remove this data product from processing plan. Default value is set to 2050-01-01T12:00:00.0Z
ManualValidationStatusstrThis status is manually set by scientists when the quality of the product is considered as good enough to be processed or is considered as poor enough so that it should be systematically removed from any downstream processing. This should be a EAS service that should allow to update this status. The decision process to update this flag is TBD. The default value of the status should be UNKNOWN TBD.
PlanIdstrPlan ID from EAS DPS.
PpoStatusstrReflects the status of the PPO from which this product has emerged.
ProdSDCstrThis is the SDC where this data product has been processed.
ProductIdObjectIdThis Id is the unique reference of the object defined in this interface, this Id is processed by IAL to ensure the uniqueness. Naming rules specified by concatenation of [PIPELINEId]-[PURPOSE]-[USER]-PLAN-[NUMBER]-PPO-[NUMBER]-TimeStamp-[SDC-PROD]-ATTEMPT-[Number]-out-[number] where [NUMBER] is a running number (see DM), each of the fields are defined into the data model : dictionary/sys/orc package
ProductNotifiedToBeCheckedstrThis status is automatically set by default to UNKNOWN by PF when the quality of the product is considered as good enough to be processed or is considered as poor enough so that it should be notified set to TOBECHECKED to OU for a manual analysis. This should be a EAS notification service that should allow to notify to OU this status. The algorithm code seting the status of this flag is TBD by OU. The default value of the status should be UNKNOWN TBD. IAL doesnt update this flag.
ProductTypestrIdentifies the name of the DataProduct. The list of product names is defined within the Data Model as :Dpdxxxx that are the root elements of the folder /dpd. Take care of the uppercamel case with a D in capital.
PublishedintThis boolean is set to 1 if this dataProduct is published on Scientific Archive (SAS), set to 0 if not. This flag reflects the feedback of a successful migration of the product to SAS. Default value is set to 0 (not published on SAS).
PurposestrPurpose which is typically inherited from the PPO by which this product was produced.
SoftwareNamestrThis SoftwareName corresponds to the name (without the pre fix : PipScript_) of the pipelineScript executed by pipelineRunner, e.g : MER_ProcessTile, VIS_ProcessField,...
SoftwareReleasestrThis SoftwareRelease corresponds to the tag of the PipelineScriptPath.
ToBePublishedintThis boolean is set to 1 if this dataProduct has to be published on Scientific Archive (SAS), set to 0 if not. This flag will be updated with a specific process starting from the definition of the quality criteria for SAS publication, querying or EAS service selecting the products compliant with these criteria and updating this boolean. This flag reflects the quality of the product that is assessed to good enough to be published on SAS. Default value is set to 0 (Not to be published on SAS).

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