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IcrHeaderType Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ApprovalstrReference to the CCB instance approving the ICR
EarliestStartTimestrEarliest time for start of the execution (CCSDS time)
EventDefVersionstrVersion of the EventDefinition used, to be fetched from the version entry in the EventDefinition header.
GenerationstrString to identify system generating ICR
GenerationDatestrDate for ICR generation (CCSDS time)
IcdVersionstrVersion of the IOT-SOC ICD used in the generation of the ICR
Instrumentstr(VIS, NISP, BOTH)
JustificationstrDescription of ICR contents and intention
LatestStartTimestrLatest time for start of the execution (must be present and greater or equal than EarliestStartTime. If equal the ICR has a fixed execution time) (CCSDS time)
MibVersionstrMIB version that is compatible with the ICR request. Should be the concatenation of VDF_NAME, VDF_DOMAINID, VDF_RELEASE and VDF_ISSUE of the vdf.dat file, separated by dot
Originatorstridentifier of authorised issuer
RecipientstrIn the case of MOC being selected, only one component is allowed. Should several be needed, different ICRs shall be provided.
SlewTimeEstimatorstrEnum [DEFAULT, PDC] indicating the Slew Time Estimator to be used. If absent, Default is considered. New values must be determined in the MOCD-A
SourcestrCan be used to expresses the top level CALBLOCK to which the ICR is linked, or left empty.
TargetstrSome CALBLOCKS have different options of targets for its implementation. This indicates which has been selected, in a human readable format
VariantstrThis expresses, if applicable, the different instrument configurations used inside the CALBLOCK stated by Source. If present, then Source must be present.

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