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ImgStats Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
MaxfloatMaximum value of the data [count]
MaxXintX position of maximum value [pixel]
MaxYintY position of maximum value [pixel]
MeanfloatMean value of the data [count]
MedianfloatMedian value of the data [count]
MinfloatMinimum value of the data [count]
MinXintX position of minimum value [pixel]
MinYintY position of minimum value [pixel]
NPixintNumber of pixels in the data [None]
StdevfloatSample standard deviation of the data [count]
XLowerintX position of lower left corner of the statistics region [pixel]
XUpperintX position of upper right corner of the statistics region [pixel]
YLowerintY position of lower left corner of the statistics region [pixel]
YUpperintY position of upper right corner of the statistics region [pixel]

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