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Le3EdMatchedcatalog000200 Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
EUCUDSDECfloatcolumn: EUC_DEC, unit: deg, format: D
EUCUDSIDintcolumn: EUC_ID, unit: NA, format: K
EUCUDSRAfloatcolumn: EUC_RA, unit: deg, format: D
EUCUDSZfloatcolumn: EUC_Z, unit: NA, format: D
EXTUDSDECfloatcolumn: EXT_DEC, unit: deg, format: D
EXTUDSIDintcolumn: EXT_ID, unit: NA, format: K
EXTUDSRAfloatcolumn: EXT_RA, unit: deg, format: D
EXTUDSZfloatcolumn: EXT_Z, unit: NA, format: D
IdCatalogintId of the catalog
IdSourceintId of the source
SEPARATIONfloatcolumn: SEPARATION, unit: deg, format: D

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