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NirCalibratedCatalog Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DataStorageNirCalibratedCatalogFitsFileStorage container of the MEF file (16 layers one per detector) containing catalogs astrometric and, eventually, photometric calibrated
DitherObservationintInteger number defining each static pointing inside an observation sequence. This DitherObservation corresponds to the inObsPointingId from the Euclid Survey definition that is an attribute of the socPointingType. This Euclid inObsPointingId is a sequential pointing number within an observation. For the Euclid Wide Surveys is usually 1-4. For deep and calibrations could vary. Keyword: DITHOBS
ExposureintInteger internal counter for single images (exposures) in a pointing. This counter is not derived from the oss. Depending on the ObservationType, this counter range could be from 0 (specific case of TVAC data) to N in case of ExposureTime changes or fluences changes or Bias or Dark images within a given pointing. Keyword: EXPNUM
FieldIdintUnique ID identifying the Field observed. This element refers to the fieldId attribute of the ossObservationType from the OSS. Please refer to the corresponding schema : sys/pla/oss for more information. Keyword: FIELDID
InstrumentBaseInstrumentInstrument information
ObservationDateTimeSpaceObservationDateTimeDate and time of the observation
PatchIdintThe patch id to which this observation pertains. This element refers to the patchId attribute of the ossObservationType from the OSS. Please refer to the corresponding schema : sys/pla/oss for more information.
PhotometricCalibratedstrBoolean value to indicate if catalog souce magnitudes are photometric calibrated or not
PointingIdintAn unique identifier for this pointing in the complete Euclid survey so its range should roughly be: 1-180000. This PointingId corresponds to the attribute id of the ossPointingType from the OSS. Please refer to the corresponding schema : sys/pla/oss for more information. Keyword: PTGID
QualityParamsNirDqcCatalogExtendedQuality parameters for the catalog
TargetPointingTargetPointingField Target pointing (Center)
TotalExposureintTotal number of Exposures in the specific Pointing. Keyword: TOTEXP

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