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NisProcessingSteps Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
AstrometricDistortionstrInclude astrometric distortion due to all optical elements in the optical path (R-SIM-NIS-012)
BackgroundstrInclude zodiacal light flux that depend of the ecliptic latitude + with some local variation (R-SIM-NIS-007)
BadPixelsstrInsert bad pixels (R-SIM-NIS-021)
BiasstrApply bias effects
ChromaticPSFstrInclude colour dependent PSF with representative spatial variations in the field (R-SIM-NIS-014)
CosmicsstrInclude cosmic ray hits, during exposure (R-SIM-NIS-009)
DarkCurrentstrApply the dark current (R-SIM-NIS-025)
GainMapsstrUse input gain maps
GrismTiltstrApply random tilt of the grism (R-SIM-NIS-012)
GrismTiltErrorstrApply random error on the tilt angle to the grism wheel
IlluminationstrUse the large scale flat calproduct in the simulations
IPCstrApply inter-pixel capacitance effects
PersistencestrInclude persistence effect linked to previous exposures following the MDB model (R-SIM-NIS-023)
PlanetaryNebulaestrInclude planetary nebulae (R-SIM-NIS-034)
QENonLinearitystrInclude QE Non Linearity (R-SIM-NIS-022)
RandomOffsetstrApply random offsets between catalog sources and imaging and spectroscopic data (R-SIM-NIS-012)
ReadoutNoisestrApply the readout noise (R-SIM-NIS-019)
RotateGalaxiesstrRotate galaxy stamps by 90deg, for SHE calibration purposes
SpectralDistortionstrInclude a dispersion model of all the grism orders that contain more then 1% (TBV) of the sources flux (R-SIM-NIS-018)
SSOsstrInclude moving objects / SSOs (SC8-VIS-R28)
VignettingstrInclude the effect of vignetting on the 4 corners of the NISP FPA.

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