CreationDate | str | This date corresponds to the creation date of the instance file, this creation date is stamped by the ESS software | |
Curator | Contact | The curator (personal name) of this interface Control document (schema). It has accorded that this schema is curated by the SOC (Pedro Gomez or any other representative) | |
DataModelVersion | str | version of the DataModel this interface is compatible with. | |
DefaultCoordSystem | AstroCoordSystem | DefaultCoordSystem | |
History | HistoryType | History | |
LastRsdId | int | The last RSD taken into account | |
LastRsdVersion | str | OSS Major version. Expected to increment when a major RSD update happens. | |
NPointings | int | The total number of Observations contained in this OSS | |
ParameterSet | GenericKeyValueParameters | ParameterSet | |
ProductId | str | Unique product id with the following format:OSS_yyyymmddThhmmsse.g: OSS_20200913T000947 | |
ProductType | str | Corresponds to the root element of the schema supporting the interface that is : OperationalSurvey | |
SoftwareName | str | SoftwareName | |
SoftwareVersion | str | SoftwareVersion | |