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OssPointingType Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
AlphafloatSolar Alpha Angle at the start of exposure.
AttitudeQuaternionQuaternionTypeOrientation quaternion of the reference pointing with respect to the adopted celestial reference frame.
DurationintDuration in seconds of this pointing
EclipticAttitudeSphericalAttitudeCommon Ecliptic FoV attitude Longitude, Latitude and orientation
EigenSlewSizefloatEigenslew size in degrees
EquatorialAttitudeSphericalAttitudeCommon Equatorial(2000.0) FoV attitude Longitude, Latitude and orientation
FoVFovTypeThe 4 RA-DEC pairs designating the corners of the common FoV
IdintAn unique identifier for this pointing in the Euclid survey
InObsIdintSequential pointing number within an observation. For the Surveys is usually 0-3. For calibrations could be more
Mjd2000intTime at which the attitude is requested. Number of integer seconds since the epoch MJD2000.0 (TDB). It is initially equal to the pointing request. It can vary due to (micro)schedulingStart time.
NispPlanningIdintThe number should be a xs:unsignedInt, however this is not allowed by the Euclid validator
ParameterSetGenericKeyValueParametersPointing Parameters. It can include also QLA parameters
PointingActivityPointingActivityTag each each possible pointing activity. Should be enough for the commanding system to explode it into a sequence of commands
SAAfloatSolar Aspect Angle in degrees at the start of the exposure
SlewDurationintEstimated slew duration in seconds
SlewMarginintMargin in seconds from the Epoch to the start of instrument activities
SlewStartTimeintEarliest time to start slewing to this pointing. Number of integer seconds since the epoch MJD2000.0 (TDB). It is initially equal to the pointing request. It can vary due to (micro)scheduling
StartTimeUtcstrHuman readable time format, ddmmyyyyThhmmss.mmm
VisPlanningIdintSee documentation elsewhere (No complex description (cddata) is allowed by the Euclid validator)The number should be a xs:unsignedInt, however this is not allowed by the Euclid validator

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