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SqfStaticLimit Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DataTypestrthe type of the data of the Static Quality Parameter (byte, int, float or double)
DescriptionstrA short description of the flag
FlagNamestrThe name of the flag, as it appears in the QualityFlags section
LimitTypestrthe type of the limit (min, max or range)
MaxLimitSqfLimitValuethe maximum limit value in case limit type is max or range. This is a list, if corresponding Static Quality Parameter is a list
MinLimitSqfLimitValuethe minimum limit value in case limit type is min or range. This is a list, if corresponding Static Quality Parameter is a list
XPathstrThe xpath to the Static Quality Parameter (e.g. DpdExtAstromSolution/Data/QualityParams/RootMeanSquare)

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