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SwarpConfigParameters Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
BACK_DEFAULTfloatDefault background to be subtracted in BACK_TYPE MANUAL mode [None]
BACK_FILTERSIZEintSize of background filtering mask in factors of BACK_SIZE [None]
BACK_SIZEintSize of a background mesh [pixel]
BACK_TYPEstrType of background to subtract (AUTO, MANUAL) [None]
CELESTIAL_TYPEstrCelestial coordinate system in output (NATIVE, PIXEL, EQUATORIAL, GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC) [None]
CENTERfloatList of positions of center in CENTER_TYPE MANUAL mode [deg]
CENTER_TYPEstrThe way the output frame is centered (ALL, MOST, MANUAL) [None]
COMBINEstrCombine resampled images (Y, N) [None]
COMBINE_BUFSIZEintAmount of megabytes of buffer memory used for coaddition [None]
COMBINE_TYPEstrImage combination method (MEDIAN, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, WEIGHTED, CHI2, SUM) [None]
COPY_KEYWORDSstrString containing comma-separated FITS keywords to copy to output images [None]
DELETE_TMPFILESstrDelete temporary image files [None]
ExtObjectIdExtObjectIdUnique EXT object identifier [None]
FSCALASTRO_TYPEstrHow to compute the astrometric part of the flux scaling (NONE, FIXED) [None]
FSCALE_DEFAULTListOfFloatList of default flux scales to adopt if FSCALE_KEYWORD nonexistent [None]
FSCALE_KEYWORDstrFITS keyword containing flux scale in input images [None]
GAIN_DEFAULTfloatDefault gain to adopt if GAIN_KEYWORD nonexistent [electron / ADU]
GAIN_KEYWORDstrFITS keyword containing the gain in input images [None]
HEADER_ONLYstrOnly create the header in the combined image (Y, N) [None]
HEADER_SUFFIXstrExtension of the replacement header files [None]
IMAGE_SIZEintDimensions of the output image [pixel]
IMAGEOUT_NAMEstrFilename of output image [None]
INTERPOLATEstrInterpolate upon resampling (Y, N) [None]
MEM_MAXintMaximum amount of megabytes allowed for RAM storage [None]
NTHREADSintNumber of threads to run simultaneously during resampling (0 is automatic) [None]
OVERSAMPLINGintAmount of oversampling in each dimension [None]
PIXEL_SCALEfloatStep between pixels in each dimension [arcsec / pixel]
PIXELSCALE_TYPEstrHow the output pixel size is set (MEDIAN, MIN, MAX, MANUAL, FIT) [None]
PROJECTION_TYPEstrProjection system used in output in standard WCS notation (AZP, TAN, STG, SIN, ARC, ZPN, ZEA, AIR, CYP, CEA, CAR, MER, COP, COE, COD, COO, BON, PCO, GLS, PAR, MOL, AIT, TCS, CSC, QSC) [None]
RESAMPLEstrResample the input images (Y, N) [None]
RESAMPLE_DIRstrPath of the directory where the resampled images are written [None]
RESAMPLE_SUFFIXstrExtension of the resampled images [None]
SUBTRACT_BACKstrBackground-subtract images prior to resampling [None]
VERBOSE_TYPEstrDegree of verbosity output, one of: QUIET, NORMAL, LOG or FULL [None]
VMEM_DIRstrPath of the directory where virtual-memory and other temporary files are written [None]
VMEM_MAXintMaximum amount of megabytes allowed for virtual-memory storage [None]
WEIGHT_IMAGEstrList of filenames of input weight maps [None]
WEIGHT_SUFFIXstrExtension of the input weight maps [None]
WEIGHT_TYPEstrType of input weight map (NONE, MAP_WEIGHT, MAP_VARIANCE, MAP_RMS) [None]
WEIGHTOUT_NAMEstrFilename of the output weight-map [None]
WRITE_FILEINFOstrWrite extended information from input images to output images [None]

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