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TrueUniverseOutput Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
EuclidPointingIdintPointingId coming from the Reference Survey Observation.
GalaxyCatalogReleasestrSpecify the origin of the catalog (e.g. MICE or DURHAM) and a version number
InputProductIdObjectIdThis Id is the unique reference of the input configuration product used to produce this true universe output product.
LogHalphaFluxLimitfloatlog(Halpha flux) cut, with Halpha in unit of erg/s/cm2/A
MagnitudeLimitfloatMagnitude cut in the specified filter in AB system. It applies both to stars and galaxies.
MagnitudeLimitFilterstrFilter corresponding to the magnitude limit
ObservationDatedatetimerefer to observation date of the images.
PointingFpaPointingPointing of the observation.
StarCatalogReleasestrSpecify the origin of the catalog (e.g. Trilegal or Besancon) and a version number. Value is Empty is no StarCatalog has been produced

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