Blinding | BlindingType | Blinding | |
CatalogSHE | str | CatalogSHE | |
DenoisedConvergence | TwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere | Denoised convergence map for the patch. | |
GalCount | TwoDMassGalCountPatchesToSphere | Galaxy counting maps. | |
McSeed | int | Seed of the random generator to compute MC realizations [unsigned int]. 0 means that the time will be used as seed (default if not set). | |
MonteCarloMap | TwoDMassMCPatchesToSphere | Monte-Carlo samples. | |
NoisyConvergence | TwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere | Noisy convergence map for the patch. | |
NResamples | int | Number of MC samples for SNR calculations. | |
ProjCenterPos | TwoDMassProjPosPatchesToSphere | Array of center of projection/patches position. | |
Selection | str | Selection | |
Shear | TwoDMassShearPatchesToSphere | Shear map. | |
SNRMaps | TwoDMassSNRPatchesToSphere | SNR maps. | |
SpatialCoverage | SpatialFootprint | SpatialCoverage | |