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TwoDMassCollectConvergencePatchesToSphere Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DenoisedConvergenceTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphereDenoised convergence map for the patch.
GalCountTwoDMassGalCountPatchesToSphereGalaxy counting maps.
McSeedintSeed of the random generator to compute MC realizations [unsigned int]. 0 means that the time will be used as seed (default if not set).
MonteCarloMapTwoDMassMCPatchesToSphereMonte-Carlo samples.
NoisyConvergenceTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphereNoisy convergence map for the patch.
NResamplesintNumber of MC samples for SNR calculations.
ProjCenterPosTwoDMassProjPosPatchesToSphereArray of center of projection/patches position.
ShearTwoDMassShearPatchesToSphereShear map.
SNRMapsTwoDMassSNRPatchesToSphereSNR maps.

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