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VisFlagMap Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DataStorageVisFlagMapDataMEF data fits file container.
DateRangeCalibrationValidPeriodOriginal files date range
ExposureTimeExposureTimeExposure time of the detector elements (i.e., physical pixels) or detector integration time in seconds. This can be a sum or average value of multiple exposures/integrations in some cases, and can be zero for certain calibrations. Analog to FITS EXPTIME keyword.
FlagMapTypestrGive more information on type of Flag Map.
LedIdstrLED ID (LED1 to LED6). Origin: science TM. FITS keywords: none.
ObservationSequenceObservationSequenceInformation identifying an observation sequence
QualityParameterStorageVisQualityParameterStorageFitsFileQuality Parameter storage
QualityParamsVisDqcParamsQuality parameters for the image
QualityParamsForQuadrantVisDqcParamsListList of Detector Data quality parameters
ValidityRangeCalibrationValidPeriodCalibration file validity period estimated
VisProductstrProduct type or pipeline product.

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