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VisSingleQuadrant Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
Background_MJy_srfloatQuadrant median background value in MJy/sr
BiasLevelfloatConstant bias offset value subtracted from raw quadrant. Unit is raw ADU, use RawGain to convert in e-
CosmicPixelsPercentfloatPercentage of COSMIC flagged pixels in quadrant
CTIparallel_traps_correctedfloatEffective density of parallel traps per pixel after correction, Req. R-VIS-CAL-F-040
CTIparallel_traps_rawfloatEffective density of parallel traps per pixel before correction, Req. R-VIS-CAL-F-040
CTIserial_traps_correctedfloatEffective density of serial traps per pixel after correction, Req. R-VIS-CAL-F-040
CTIserial_traps_rawfloatEffective density of serial traps per pixel before correction, Req. R-VIS-CAL-F-040
DecfloatQuadrant center pixel Declination in degrees
GainfloatMultiplicative factor to convert ADU to e- in VIS calibrated frames, in units of [e-/ADU], eg 3.48 e-/ADU
ImgSpatialFootprintSpatialFootprintThis spatial area defines the spatialfootprint of the image in a serie of vertex. Vertex should be expressed in RA/DEC. This spatialfootprint could be processed by LE1 with pointing parameters and updated by VIS/NIR/EXTprocessing functions that compute the astrometric solution. This is optional in case ofcalibration images.
InvalidPixelsPercentfloatPercentage of INVALID flagged pixels in quadrant
NoDataPixelsPercentfloatPercentage of NO_DATA flagged pixels in quadrant
QuadrantIdstrVIS Quadrant identifier, as {CCDrow}-{CCDcol}.{quad_letter} eg. 2-3.E
QuadrantTemperatureCfloatQuadrant detector temperature in Celsius
RAfloatQuadrant center pixel Right Ascension in degrees
RawGainfloatMultiplicative factor to convert ADU to e-, in VIS raw frames, in units of [e-/ADU], eg 3.48 e-/ADU
ReadOutNoisefloatReadout noise value measured in raw quadrant. Unit is raw ADU, use RawGain to convert in e-
ROETemperatureCfloatQuadrant ROE temperature in Celsius
WCSWcsCopy of WCS keywords stored in science image quadrant extension header
ZeroPointfloatQuadrant Zero Point
ZeroPointRMSfloatQuadrant Zero Point RMS

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